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Karanja Oil

Product Code:KR00047

Karanja oil is processed from the seeds of the Pongamia pinnata tree, is a versatile oil known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. It has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine and is gaining recognition in modern applications for skincare, hair care, and pest control just like neem as insecticide / pesticide . It contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals that contribute to its therapeutic properties.

In organic farming, karanja oil is used primarily as a biopesticide and soil amendment. The dosage of karanja oil can vary depending on the specific application and the target pest or disease.

Karanja Oil
In Agriculture:
Pest Management:
Insecticide: Used as a spray to control and repel pests such as aphids, mites, and whiteflies. The oil disrupts the life cycle of pests and reduces their feeding and reproduction.
Repellent: Acts as a natural deterrent for pests due to its strong odor and chemical properties.
Disease Control:
Fungal and Bacterial Protection: Applied to plants to prevent and manage fungal and bacterial diseases. Karanja oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties help in reducing disease incidence.
Soil Health:
Soil Conditioner: Mixed into soil to improve its structure and fertility. It helps in enhancing nutrient availability and promoting beneficial microorganisms.
Seed Treatment:
Protective Coating: Coated on seeds before planting to protect them from pests and diseases, improving germination rates and seedling vigor.
Foliar Spray:
Plant Health: Sprayed directly onto plant leaves to provide a protective layer against pests and diseases.
In Cosmetics:
Skin Care:
Moisturizer: Used in creams, lotions, and balms for its hydrating and nourishing effects on the skin.
Anti-Inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation and redness, making it beneficial for conditions like acne and eczema.
Antimicrobial: Provides antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help in treating minor skin infections.
Hair Care:
Scalp Treatment: Added to shampoos and conditioners to reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp.
Hair Conditioner: Used in hair masks and conditioners to improve hair texture and strength.
Body Care:
Body Oils and Lotions: Included in body oils and lotions to moisturize and soothe the skin.
In Other Fields:
Industrial Uses:
Lubricants: Used in some industrial lubricants due to its high viscosity and natural properties.
Coatings and Polymers: Incorporated into coatings and polymers for its chemical properties, enhancing durability and performance.
Renewable Energy: Karanja oil can be used as a feedstock for biodiesel production, contributing to renewable energy solutions.
  • Bioactive Compounds: Contains karanjin, pongamol, and ponganic acid, which provide pesticidal, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Strong Odor: Has a potent smell, which can act as a natural repellent.
  • Natural and Organic: Sourced from natural materials, making it suitable for organic and sustainable practices.
  • Versatile: Used in multiple fields including agriculture, cosmetics, and industrial applications.
  • Pest Control: Effective in repelling and controlling various pests due to its bioactive compounds.
  • Skin and Hair Health: Offers moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial benefits.
  • Soil Health: Enhances soil quality and supports beneficial microorganisms.
  • Industrial Uses: Provides useful properties for various industrial applications, including lubricants and coatings.
  • Agriculture:Typically diluted with water for spraying or mixed with other formulations. Application rates and frequencies depend on the specific crop and pest management needs.
  • Cosmetics: Used in formulations according to recommended concentrations for skin and hair care products.
  • Industrial Applications: Applied as per industry-specific guidelines for lubricants, coatings, and biofuels.

100 ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 5Ltr, 20Ltr, 100Ltr, 200Ltr, 1000Ltr